Thursday, May 31, 2012

Avatar Project #2

For this assignment, I created an avatar out of a picture of a little boy that I took in Haiti. His shirt hat soccer on it originally, so I wanted to turn him into a soccer player. I was inspired by all the kids I saw in Haiti playing soccer. I used parts of different cartoons to fill in the new boy avatar. I also replaced the background. Finally, I used a cartoon filter on the body of the boy, which wasn't replaced. I am satisfied with this work. I used the clone stamp tool a lot to make it look cleaner and less choppy. I think it looks pretty good. I enjoyed this assignment.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Avatar Project

For this assignment, I used part of a prom picture of my boyfriend and I, and created avatars out of us. I used a cartoon filter on our bodies. Then, I replaced our heads with avatars from the internet. I replaced the background with a picture of the beach. I used the clone stamp tool to clean up some areas. I also used a saturation filter. I was inspired by the picture itself. It is my favorite from prom. I am satisfied with this work. I think it looks clean, and it's funny.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Cumulative Project

For this assignment, I tried to bring together my best work from the whole year. I started by choosing a color scheme of deep red and a sand colored textured background. Then, I played with fonts and sizes to get my name to appear in a professional looking manner. Then, I added my four favorite projects. I added strokes on all of them, and a gradient on the top right corner. I was inspired by a business card I saw yesterday with the same color scheme. I am satisfied with this work. Next time, I would choose a different project for the bottom right corner.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

First World vs. Third World Six Images

 For this assignment, I chose to compare the Haiti, a third world country, with America, a first world country. The first picture shows the difference in front doors. The second pair of pictures shows a front porch scene. The third set of pictures shows family transportation. These pictures make the disparity in wealth quite obvious. And yet, the kids in Haiti look just as happy as the ones in America. Having money doesn't make you happy. It makes life harder for them, but they don't know what they are missing in America. This fact made me really sad when I was in Haiti. They don't know all the blessings I have in my life. They've never seen a TV or gone to prom. Hopefully some day, there will be an more equal wealth distribution in this world. I was inspired by the kids in Haiti and the movie Hotel Rwanda. I am satisfied with this work.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Hotel Rwanda Text

For this assignment, I used text to type the word strength. Strength represents the courage and bravery that Paul Rusesabagina had during the genocide crisis. I was inspired by the movie, and the picture that I placed over the text. I think this image is one of the most powerful screenshots of the movie. It shows the people's faith despite the fact that they were just abandoned by the UN. Next time, I would figure out how to make the text look more clean and sharp. I just selected and deleted parts around the text, but that was tedious and took a long time. However, I am satisfied with this work.

Hotel Rwanda Movie Poster

This is my Hotel Rwanda movie poster. I cut out the two main characters from another picture and added a different background. Then I faded in some supporting characters and added text. I was inspired by some of the other movie posters I saw online. I am satisfied with this work. Next time, I would use a layer mask rather than selecting and deleting parts of the background.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Find the Object

For this assignment, I hid a face in this design. I used the scale and opacity tools to help disguise the object. I was inspired by the coffee bean design that we looked at in class. I am satisfied with this project. Next time, I would use a different color.

Thursday, March 15, 2012


For this assignment, I used my own images from Haiti and stencils to create a meaningful color wheel. The first picture includes 5 landscapes from Haiti. I used a peace sign heart as the stencil because while I was in Haiti our mission was to spread peace and love. I used photo filters and a gradient map to get a rainbow effect. On the second image, I used pictures of little kids I met. The hand stencil reminded me of the Virginia license plate with the little hands that says "Children Come First." Fifty percent of the population of Haiti is children, so their wellbeing is our primary concern. The background is a map of Haiti to show where the kids are from. I used photo filters on the kids' faces and a gradient map on the background, although the gradient didn't show up that well. I used symmetry and balance in both images to connect all the stencils together. I am satisfied with this work. I think it looks neat, and it has meaning behind it. 

Thursday, February 16, 2012

2nd Pair of Photoshop User Tutorials

For this assignment, I read two tutorials, one labeled Split Toning and the other called Instagram/Retro Effect. In the first project, I used a monochrome layer and then alternated the color balance on the shadows, midtones, and highlights. I am really happy with how it turned out. I think it looks really cool and I might put it in my next art show. The second one didn't turn out as I had hoped because the tutorial seemed to only work for the type of image that the lady used. This picture didn't really have the same colors to start as her image did. Next time, I would try to add more light to the second image. These two pictures are originals from my portfolio. I thought this was a fun assignment and I am so glad I know how to split tone now. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Photoshop Tutorial Videos

For these assignments, I watched one tutorial video about selective color layers and I read one tutorial about changing just the sky in an image. With the jellyfish picture, I added a selective color layer and chose to change the blue color of the water. I darkened it by a lot. In the second image, I changed the sky from a plain blue to a beautiful sunset by playing with opacity. I was inspired by these pictures, both of which I took. I am happy with these images. While I like the originals because they aren't edited, I think the photoshop edits add an interesting twist.

Monday, February 6, 2012

3D Chair

For this assignment, I tried to make this chair look 3D. I also used mondrian art to cover the fabric that was on the chair before. I was inspired by the mondrian art itself. It has always been my favorite kind of modern art. I took segments of different styles of mondrian and put them together to create a sort of chaotic collage. I am satisfied with this work. In the future, I might try to figure out how to smooth the inside edges of the chair better. 

This is my second 3D chair. I used an Andy Warhol theme for this one. I used warp and distort tools to make the seat of the chair look 3D. I also used the drop shadow technique to give the chair a shadow. I am satisfied with this work. Next time, I would make the marilyn image editable before warping it so that I could go back and use the dodge and burn tools on it. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Inside/Outside Anatomy

For this assignment, I combined inside and outside anatomy of this woman to add meaning to the picture. The lady is smoking and laughing, but if she knew what effects the cigarette had on her lungs, she probably wouldn't be laughing. I was inspired by a new policy at PVCC that allows smoking on campus. I think this is a step backwards, and people should campaign against it. I am satisfied with this work. Next time, I might add a filter to make it more interesting.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


For this assignment, we were told to create a 7" X 5" grid with 1" squares. I used 24 pictures of my cousin Lindsay that I took over winter break. Some of the pictures are stretched into two blocks to make them look more scale appropriate. It also creates a sense of balance that looks nice. The other blocks are filled with the letters of her name and a heart. First I placed all the images in, then I went back and decided which tools I should use, if any, on each. For some, I didn't edit at all, while I used several techniques on others. My inspiration was from the pictures themselves. I thought this was a perfect way to tie the whole photoshoot together. I would have rather not used tools such as the gradient and threshold because I don't like how the result looks, but I can see how it is an essential Photoshop tool. I am satisfied with my work. Next time, I would plan the layout differently.  Overall, it was a fun and relaxing assignment. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Art News Inspiration

1. Pierre Bourque's landscape on page 127 of the March 2005 edition of Art News inspires me. I love the combination of colors that he used. It is a very serene landscape, and would be boring, except for the bold red line towards the left side. This is what caught my eye. I feel like if I as a person were labeled my a combination of colors, these are the ones I would be.

2. Elanor Gilpatrick's Fijord Flight inspires me. I reminds me of places I have been. I love the way the colors make it look like a storm is either brewing or has just ended. It makes me smell that sense of rain in the calm before a storm. page 128 March 2005 edition of Art News.

Christmas Card

For this assignment, I used a to make a christmas card to give to my boyfriend. My inspiration was obviously the picture. I really like how the colors of the border go with the sepia tone. I am satisfied with this work. Next time, I might've used a cream colored border. 

Monday, January 9, 2012

9 square self portrait

For this assignment, I took nine pictures, 8 of the same and one different one, to create a 9 frame self portratit. I tried to create a frame out of all the similar pictures to surround the center picture. I also have a frame around the outside to give the piece a more vintage look. I am satisfied with this work. I was inspired by Mirador Farm, where the pictures are taken. I don't think I would do anything different next time. I liked this assignment a lot!