Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Negative Space and Text Warp Tool

For this assignment, we focused on using negative space and the text warp tool. For the first picture, I tried to replace Abby's arms with a picture of wedding rings. Then I posted the lyrics to the song that inspired me yet again, "Walk On" by U2. I am satisfied with this work. Next time I might do something a little more relevant to my life. For the second picture, I took a picture of a bride on her wedding day looking out a window. I used the negative space of her silhouette to portray all of the ideas and feelings she might be having. I was inspired by my aunt and uncles, whose wedding anniversary is today. I am satisfied with this work. The third piece is my silhouette filled in with words and activities that describe me. I only really did this one to fulfill the assignment requirements. I am not totally satisfied with this work because you can't tell that the blob is me. Next time I would pose in a different way so that the viewer could tell what the outline was supposed to be. Oh well. Happy Tuesday. :)

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